

TLW confirmed as Approved Solicitors by Headway UK

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We are delighted to confirm that TLW Solicitors have been included in
the Headway Head Injury Approved Solicitors Directory for 2016.

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Headway is a UK-wide charity with over 125 groups and branches across the country. With an overall aim to improve life after brain injury, Headway offers support and advice to individuals directly affected, as well as families, health professionals and legal representatives working within the field. An affiliation with Headway is highly important to TLW as Serious Injury Solicitors as it shows recognition of our professionalism and knowledge within what is a highly-specialised legal area.

What Headway do

Registered as a charity since 1980, Headway’s first day centre opened three years later, with more quickly following. Alongside the setting up of over 100 local facilities over the next two decades, Headway managed to bring back the All Party Parliamentary Group for Acquired Brain Injury, which has recently been instrumental in a report analysing the huge differences in rehabilitation services for brain injuries across the country.

In addition to centres, Headway has a national helpline, charity shops aimed at raising money and awareness, and a host of other schemes and funding in operation. As specialist brain injury solicitors we are proud to work alongside Headway and we hope they can continue improving the lives of people affected by a brain injury for many years to come.


Being in Headway’s approved solicitor directory recognises that we agree to work within the charity’s code of conduct. It also means that Headway have recognised we have the knowledge and experience to provide legal services to individuals who have an acquired brain injury.

Although there may be many legal firms out there, Headway’s directory is there to filter out those that don’t have the specialist brain or head injury experience. Given that we have over 15 years’ experience in the personal injury sector we understand that no two people, nor two cases are the same. Choosing a firm on the list isn’t a guarantee that of success, but it does mean the firm has the experience and expertise that Headway require to deal with brain injury cases.

Expert View

“We have worked very hard to bring together the legal expertise and experience in our serious injury team and are delighted that Headway has recognised our commitment to support and help people with brain injuries as an approved legal provider.

“The charity is absolutely vital to those people and families affected by brain injury. It helps them when they are most in need and looking for the best medical care, rehabilitation and specialised support.”

Peter McKenna, Partner

Serious Injury in the North-East

TLW have a local heritage, providing specialist legal services to people for over 15 years in the region. With extensive specialist training, we work alongside experienced care and rehabilitation specialists to ensure our clients receive the very best professional advice and are able to access the support they require.

TLW’s Personal Injury Solicitors are here to help. Fill in our enquiry form, email us at or call us today.

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  • Always fight your corner.
  • Explain anything you don't understand.
  • Provide full transparency on our charges.
  • Never ask for any upfront payment.
  • Recover the best compensation we can.
  • Keep your personal information safe.
  • Respond quickly to any queries.