

Traumatic Head Injury: Guide to Care Options – Part 4

Serious Injury News

Returning to work after a traumatic head Injury

Our serious injury care options series details personal injury treatment and options available for individuals and their families who have experienced a traumatic head injury.

For further information please see our Serious Injury homepage.

back-to-workReturning to work after a traumatic head Injury

Returning to work after brain injury is very much dependent on an individual’s personal circumstances. Momentum Skills is the work-related sector of Momentum, a not-for-profit organisation providing care and rehabilitation for those affected by a brain injury.

The organisation can provide:

  • Support to people and their employer, including awareness training and overcoming barriers to returning to work after brain injury.
  • Work-related skills training.
  • Personal development programmes.
  • Access to courses to improve job potential.

The local Headway branch can also assist an individual in making the right decision when moving forward, and talking to an occupational therapist may also help. In order to make returning to work after brain injury as positive an experience as can be, it is important to seek as much help and assistance as possible.

Our care navigators offer expertise in helping individuals make the right decision and access all the support and services they may need when returning to work following a serious injury.

back-to-eductionReturning to education after a traumatic head Injury

As with returning to work after a traumatic head Injury, returning to or starting education is very much dependent on an individual’s personal circumstances. Momentum Skills can assist in helping people learn new skills and access new courses. It is also worth meeting with a learning support adviser from the school, college or university that a person wishes to attend.

Putting in research prior to returning to or starting a course or qualification will guard against any future problems that may occur.

Although everyone is different, many people find it more difficult to retain information following a brain injury, or may tire quicker. A learning support adviser can help to establish what procedures need to be in place for an individual to ensure they have all the support they require.

Care navigators can assist individuals in making the right decision related to a return or start in education, and ensure the correct support is in place.

Serious injury in the North-East

TLW have a local heritage, providing specialist legal services to people for over 15 years in the region. With extensive specialist training and an external accreditation from Headway (The Brain Injury Association), our serious solicitors work alongside experienced care and rehabilitation specialists to ensure our clients receive the very best professional advice and are able to access the support they require.

TLW Solicitors are here to help. Fill in our enquiry form, email us at or call us today.