
Pension and Investment Claims

Mis-sold Self-Invested Personal Pension Compensation Claims

Quick Guide

  • Mis-selling is where the risks of transferring to a SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) were not investigated or explained by a financial adviser causing financial loss.
  • If you have lost out due to unsuitable pension advice, TLW can check if you have been mis-sold a SIPP and recover lost money.
  • TLW work no win no fee, so you pay us nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.

Have you been mis-sold a SIPP pension investment?

We provide assistance on a no-win, no-fee basis.

SIPP pensions can be a tax-efficient form of investing for retirement. SIPP is a UK government-approved personal pension scheme that allows people to gather all of their pensions into one pot. This pension pot can be then invested in a range of options approved by HMRC.

SIPP mis-selling occurs when financial advisers convince pension holders to invest their money into a SIPP scheme that promises high returns on very risky (and often unregulated) investments. Due to the misleading nature of these investments that do not return the promised money nor are they covered by the Government’s compensation scheme, many are left out of pocket from a mis-sold SIPP.

If this sounds familiar, TLW is a specialist in claiming SIPP compensation for those mis-sold a SIPP. We’ve helped many people to recover compensation after they’ve received unsuitable financial advice causing them to invest their pension into risky investments through SIPPs. If you have concerns about your SIPP pension, get in touch with TLW Solicitors today to see if you can claim compensation. We provide assistance on a no-win, no-fee basis.

A self-invested personal pension (or a SIPP, as they are widely known) is a ‘do-it-yourself’ pension option, which allows you to draw together more varied investments than most standard pensions. For some people, SIPP pensions are helpful, as they allow increased flexibility in terms of the quantity and types of investments you can enter into.

However, in some cases, financial advisers have encouraged investors to transfer money into high-risk investments via SIPPs without proper explanations of the potential risks, sometimes resulting in significant financial loss.

SIPP investment funds are usually selected by the financial adviser, who has a duty to choose investments that are aligned with the customer’s needs and objectives, as well as their attitude towards risk. Despite this, some financial advisers have been placing customers’ funds into risky investments without the customer being properly informed of the dangers involved. As a result, some customers are facing depleted pension funds and potential financial difficulties during their retirement years.

You may have a claim for compensation if:

  • Your financial adviser encouraged you to change your investments without properly explaining the reasons why;
  • Your SIPP pension has fallen in value despite assurances from your financial adviser that it would increase;
  • Your financial adviser failed to properly inform you of factors that could reduce the value of your investment.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has reported ‘serious and ongoing failings’ by a number of financial advisers with regards to SIPP investments. The main failings generally revolve around advisers not ensuring SIPP investments are safe and suitable for investors’ needs.

One of the advisers which has faced disciplinary action from the FCA is Tailormade Independent. Tailormade was involved with encouraging customers to transfer existing pensions into a variety of unregulated investments via SIPPs, including investments in:

  • Biofuels
  • Green oil
  • Farmland
  • Overseas property, including investments with property firm Harlequin, which has since been liquidated.

Tailormade Independent itself has now gone into liquidation, with three of its directors now being banned from holding any further senior roles within the financial industry.

According to the FCA, the directors of Tailormade failed to ensure that the SIPP pension products they recommended were suitable for customers’ needs, as well as failing to uphold transparency around activities that posed a conflict of interest. For more information about Tailormade’s mismanagement of SIPP investments, visit our recent blog post.

We would particularly urge you to get in touch if your SIPP investments covered products such as:

  • Off-plan properties
  • Store Pods
  • Wine
  • Global Forestry Investments
  • Australian farmland

Our experienced team may be able to help you to recover your losses even if your financial adviser or the firms you invested in are no longer trading.

If you’re concerned about your SIPP investments, please call us on 0800 169 5925 or use our online form and our team will contact you for an initial, no-obligation consultation.

It is important to get advice as soon as possible as strict time limits can apply.

Meet Our Team

Meet Sarah, who heads up our Mis-Sold SIPP Compensation Claims team.

Sarah and her colleagues are on hand to help with your claim.

TLW Solicitors pledge to:

  • Always fight your corner.
  • Explain anything you don't understand.
  • Provide full transparency on our charges.
  • Never ask for any upfront payment.
  • Recover the best compensation we can.
  • Keep your personal information safe.
  • Respond quickly to any queries.